Analyse your text documents to identify high-level concepts.
Category list:Statistical & Data Tools
This application is also available from Software Center (Win) or Self Service (Mac) when using a Deakin Desktop computer .
LexiDesktop (formerly Leximancer) is a software tool designed for analyzing natural language text data.
The app functions as a background service. When you open the app, it opens your default web browser. While LexiDesktop is running, a Lex icon appears in the system tray (Win) or menubar (Mac), providing access to reopen the user interface in your browser, or close LexiDesktop fully.
For help setting up and getting started with LexiDesktop, visit the Support and FAQ pages. You can also access additional resources, such as user guides and a free monthly webinar by the creator.
LexiDesktop 5.0 for Windows
Download for Windows
LexiDesktop 5.0 for Mac
Download for Mac